Best online source to learn about Indian history

1. Encyclopedia Britannica: One of the most scholarly of the encyclopedias; has detailed information on India’s fight for freedom authored by eminent historians such as Romila Thapar.
2. Know India: This is the Government of India’s official retelling of India’s independence movement. The Know India website is part of, the National Portal of India.
3. BBC: The Beeb chronicles the journey of India from the Empire to Independence. The BBC’s story of India’s freedom movement is authored by Dr. Chandrika Kaul.
4. NCERT: Many of us have received their primary understanding of Indian history from NCERT textbooks and now that they are all accessible online, they remain one of the best resources to know about the Indian independence movement.
5. India’s Struggle for Independence, 1857-1947: Much of this bestselling book on India’s freedom movement is available to read on Google Books. This book is authored by some of the most authoritative historians of modern India – Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee, Sucheta Mahajan and KN Panikkar.
6. British Library: This page on the British Library website lists educational sources available in the India Office Records on Indian Independence.
7. National Archives, UK: The National Archives of the UK government is a source of important documents related to Indian nationalism and independence.
8. GandhiServe: Tales of their struggle in their own voice. GandhiServe Foundation and GandhiServe India Trust video recorded the reminiscences of many Indian freedom fighters creating an oral history of India’s independence movement.

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